
Glosniki kanto yu6 graja glosniej na pc niz z gramofonem

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witam jak w temacie posiadam glosniki kanto yu6 i po podlaczeniu ich do pc graja naprawde bardzo glosno, natomiast przy podlaczeniu do gramofonu graja troche ciszej, jaki jest tego powod?

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Thank you for the suggestion. I tried using the RCA plug with my laptop and with the RCA plug unplugged and just the speakers on and set to RCA mode. There was no crackling and popping but hissing. I don't know how much is noticeable but it's certainly noticeable. I recorded both using the app on my iPhone 11, but I'm not sure how I can upload/share short sound files so I can get a sense what other think about whether it's normal or not. Is there any way I can share them on here? Perhaps the hissing is normal though I don't know.

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